OREANDA-NEWS. 263 members of the Parliament of Ukraine have voted for the main financial document of the state for the next year: “This is not just a vote of confidence in government policies. It is a vote of confidence in Ukrainian reforms. It is an evidence of our unity, our ability to reach a consensus and an evidence of responsibility of the Ukrainian political class for the future of the Ukrainian state,” said Prime Minister of Ukraine Arseniy Yatsenyuk in 10 minutes TV program on Sunday, December 27

“We’d managed to pass the law of UkraineOn the State Budget for the next year and all necessary laws for filling of a revenue part of the State Budget, despite political debates and political confrontation in the Parliament,” stressed the Head of Government.

He expressed gratitude to lawmakers, who had reached a consensus and shouldered political responsibility for the fate of the country together with the Government,” “These are factions of the People's Front Party, the Poroshenko Block and separate lawmakers’ groups and separate MPs of Ukraine who are aware of their responsibility to the country, their responsibility for the future of the Ukrainian state.”

“We are capable to achieve the result, if we are united,” said Arseniy Yatsenyuk.