Pulp and paper industry

21.06.2022, 14:38
The Belarusian President said that Russians are massively buying up goods produced in Belarus.
21.02.2022, 14:47
If the sanctions conflict with Lithuania continues, Belarus may block the export of its wood to the neighboring republic after primary processing.
18.02.2022, 12:01
Against the backdrop of rising prices, Russian producers are reducing the size of food packages.
14.04.2020, 15:30
The Times did not disclose which country BAT cooperated with in violation of US sanctions and what the violation of the sanctions regime consisted of
07.02.2020, 07:27
Judging by Philip Morris reporting, the company paid about 24.3 billion rubles
18.10.2019, 11:39
The factory has not been working for the second week, said the CEO
24.09.2019, 13:40
The company said that such a decision was influenced, inter alia, by the “unpredictable fiscal and regulatory policy of the Ukrainian government”
22.05.2019, 11:28
Growth in sales of smuggled and counterfeit cigarettes could cost the countries of the EEU about $ 1 billion in 2018, the most strongly gray market grew in Russia
27.11.2017, 10:32
Ilim Group, Russia’s leading pulp and paper company, a major exporter and one of the biggest companies in the industry globally, announces today that it has signed a four-year unsecured syndicated loan agreement for USD 500 million. 


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