OREANDA-NEWS. May 17, 2016. When someone claims your company is using \\$5-an-hour migrant labor with questionable visas, you're going to want to put yourself in front of the issue and tackle it head on. That's what Tesla is doing today, after a weekend news feature claims Tesla's new paint shop was built on the backs of migrant labor.

The piece in the San Jose Mercury News looks at Gregor Lesnik, a Slovenian worker who came to the US under the alleged auspices of overseeing workers constructing Tesla's new high-volume paint facility.

The feature claims that Lesnik, who was eventually injured on the job, was paid roughly \\$5 an hour by a company called ISM Vuzem, after being brought to the US on a B1/B2 visa, which explicitly bars the sort of work that Lesnik allegedly performed while in the country. The feature then goes on to compare Lesnik's pittance to the \\$52 hourly figure that Americans in similar positions can make.

When brought to his attention via Twitter, Tesla CEO Elon Musk claimed it was the first he'd heard of such allegations, and that he'd look into the matter. The following morning, Tesla issued a long statement, which I have embedded at the bottom of this article in its entirety.