OREANDA-NEWS. The largest number of accidents in Moscow in which people were killed or injured in 2021 occurred on May 11. On this day, 43 accidents were recorded. This was reported in the press service of the capital's traffic police.

The traffic police noted that May 11 last year was the first working day after the long May holidays.

The least accidents in the capital in 2021 were recorded on January 15 - five accidents. It was the last day of the first working week after the New Year holidays.

In January 2022, the Moscow traffic police identified and stopped almost 2,300 facts of driving vehicles by drivers with signs of intoxication. Despite the fact that the number of accidents involving drunk drivers has decreased, the number of drunk motorists on the roads in the department was called alarming.

In early February, the Moscow State Traffic Inspectorate carried out the "Taxi" operation in the capital. As a result of the raid, it turned out that malfunctions were detected in every seventh taxi car. According to statistics, last year taxi drivers were involved in a quarter of accidents with injuries and deaths on the roads of Moscow.