State: articles for 19.02.2019

19.02.2019, 14:22
A large part of the investigated wines according to their quality exceeds the requirements of the Standards
19.02.2019, 13:46
Restrictive measures imposed against Russian goods abroad caused damage to the Russian economy of $6.3 billion
19.02.2019, 13:14

The State Duma in the third reading approved the bill, according to which the military and conscripts will be banned from using gadgets.

19.02.2019, 12:33
In Russia for five years have become less likely to marry
19.02.2019, 11:20
The new export modification of the "deadly" T-90 tank called the T-90MS has a number of serious improvements
19.02.2019, 10:35
The contract was signed in November 2018 at an air show in China
19.02.2019, 09:52
Embassy of Ukraine called to ban the screening of the film "T-34" in the United States said
19.02.2019, 08:30
In December 2018, Russia ranked second in the world in terms of oil production

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