State: articles for 27.05.2021

27.05.2021, 15:54
The Russian Foreign Ministry and the Kremlin condemned the words of the Polish president about the "abnormality" of Russia, considering them unacceptable.
27.05.2021, 15:24
According to Austrian Federal President, the European Union needs a common foreign policy and improved coordination in the field of defense in order not to become a "colony" of world powers.
27.05.2021, 14:35
From June 1, 2021, it will again be possible to submit a request to the Consulate General of France in Moscow to extend the five-year multiple-entry short-stay visa issued by this country and expired during the COVID 19 pandemic.
27.05.2021, 13:11
At the talks in Sochi, Russian President Vladimir Putin and Belarusian leader Alexander Lukashenko will discuss joint projects in the energy sector and the promotion of integration.
27.05.2021, 11:00
Russian President Vladimir Putin on Thursday will hold the final of a series of meetings with the leadership of the Armed Forces
27.05.2021, 10:20
Polish President Andrzej Duda accused Russia of aggressive actions and violation of international law. He said this during a visit to the EU observer mission in Georgia

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