OREANDA-NEWS  Military equipment and equipment were handed over to military personnel of artillery and motorized rifle regiments from the Rostov region, Deputy Governor of the region Vadim Artemov said.

"The next batch of military-technical assistance from the government of the Rostov region has been transferred to the zone of the special military operation. This time, the equipment and special equipment were delivered to the servicemen of the artillery and motorized rifle regiments, the units are stationed on the territory of the Rostov region," the regional government said in a statement.

On behalf of the head of the region Vasily Golubev, Artemov handed over a tractor-excavator, a digital repeater, a quadcopter and other property to the gunners. The excavator will be used for engineering equipment of the regiment's location areas, the repeater will increase the range and quality of radio communication. A gasoline generator, chainsaws, radio stations, kamikaze quadrocopters were delivered to the motorized shooters.

"Everything that we transfer to the zone of the SVO fully corresponds to the requests of the military, and we try to fulfill the requests as soon as possible. All technical specifications have been agreed with the Ministry of Defense, so I am sure that the equipment will not fail in combat conditions," Artemov's words are quoted in the message.
Also, water, food, fruits and vegetables were delivered to the temporary deployment points of the servicemen. Heads of districts, agricultural producers, concerned residents of the region take part in the formation of such cargoes.

Work to support participants in a special military operation in the region is carried out in three directions: assistance in recruiting units and formations taking part in the SVO, the purchase of equipment and equipment at the request of the Ministry of Defense, the provision of targeted assistance to military personnel and their families.
For these purposes, both the funds of the regional budget and the funds of the regional cooperation and development support fund are allocated. Property, equipment and military equipment are purchased in accordance with the requests of the National Defense Control Center.