Culture and leisure: articles for 26.06.2019

26.06.2019, 22:06
OREANDA-NEWS. In Liechtenstein for the first time there will take place the exhibition of works of the national artist of the USSR, the president of the Russian Academy of Arts Zurab Tsereteli. It is dated for the 85 anniversary of the master.
26.06.2019, 20:05
The Russian Orthodox Church (ROC) suggested to reserve the right for life for an embryo, follows from the draft document on the website of the ROC intended for public discussion. "The embryo is a person.
26.06.2019, 18:22
The school program since September 1 will be supplemented with cultural standards. The program was in common developed by Ministry of Culture and the Ministry of Public Education.
26.06.2019, 17:20
The Invitro laboratory revealed existence of a fenazepam and chlorprothixene in an organism of the producer Bari Alibasov, the PR-director Alibasova Vadim Gorzhankin reported to RNS.

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