Culture and leisure: articles for 20.08.2019

20.08.2019, 22:30
A film with the working title "Black Sea" is being shot at the moment in Taganrog, Rostov Region, RostovGazeta was told by one of the actors from the crowd.
20.08.2019, 20:56
"Soyuzmultfilm" uses new technologies to work on the animated film "Detective story", the scenario which involved a famous writer Darya Dontsova.
20.08.2019, 20:40
The press service of the first president of Kazakhstan, Nursultan Nazarbayev, published a video on Tuesday in which he sings a song of his own composition.
20.08.2019, 20:14
The IX Theater Olympiad, which began on June 15 in St. Petersburg, started in Tokyo.
20.08.2019, 19:03
Improvement of the embankment and shore protection work in the area of ​​the multifunctional complex "Lakhta Center"
20.08.2019, 18:55
State Duma deputy Vasily Vlasov suggested placing individual lockers in Russian schools to store students' belongings.

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