Culture and leisure: articles for 23.08.2019

23.08.2019, 21:32
A film based on the novel of the writer Dmitry Glukhovsky "Metro 2033" will be released in January 1, 2022.
23.08.2019, 21:23
Thirty military orchestras,  which will be held from  August 23 to September 1 on Red Square in Moscow. 
23.08.2019, 19:29
One of the largest mosques in Europe has opened in the city of Shali in the Chechen Republic, which is twice the size of the Blue Mosque in Istanbul and the Cathedral of Christ the Savior in Moscow, federal media reported.
23.08.2019, 11:41
With the Chinese company ChinaFilmGroup, as well as with actors Jackie Chan and Arnold Schwarzenegger, they intend to collect more than 200 million rubles
23.08.2019, 10:22

A delegation from Italy will visit Crimea at the end of September with a cultural mission, said the president of the Foundation for the Promotion of Science, Culture and Cinema Odysseus Pipia.

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