OREANDA-NEWS  Enterprises of the Republic of Belarus and organizations of the state corporation Rosatom are working on 40 common projects, Director of the country office of the State Corporation Rosatom in Belarus Stanislav Levitsky said at a meeting of the commission of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Union of Belarus and Russia on energy.

"Our comprehensive program is structurally divided into the following areas. The first direction is rather not sectoral, but emphasizes the instrument of possible financing of joint technical initiatives. These are the programs and projects of the Union State. Next, we have the direction of non-energy nuclear technologies, the direction of nuclear medicine, digitalization and telecommunications, technological re-equipment, industry of the Republic of Belarus, non-nuclear energy solutions and the direction of ecology," Levitsky said.

He noted that these areas are based on joint cooperation aimed at ensuring economic stability and import substitution.
Levitsky added that there are areas that are of the greatest interest from the point of view of energy. The first such significant project, which is being worked out with the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Belarus, is the digitalization of technological production processes. This is the closest production facility for Rosatom, which already has and uses digital modules.

At the moment, the state corporation is looking for partners to adapt existing software products to Belarusian conditions, business models and subsequent technical support of solutions.