OREANDA-NEWS In 2025, work on the creation of a promising Russian orbital station (ROS) should be launched on a broad front. Anatoly Petrukovich, Director of the Space Research Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS), spoke about Russia's plans for the next 12 months in a column for the Izvestia newspaper.

According to him, the Bion-M biological satellite No. 2 is expected to be launched in March, and the second pair of Ionosphere—M hydrometeorological spacecraft is expected to be launched in November. In the coming year, the "Sun-terahertz" experiment is planned to be conducted on board the International Space Station, which involves observing the sun in the terahertz range.

The renewal of the Russian orbital group and the launch of scientific and educational satellites will also continue.

"2025 is also the final year of the current Federal Space Program and the beginning of the implementation of the national space project, which will give a new impetus to Russian space activities," the expert recalled.

In October 2024, Oleg Orlov, director of the Institute of Biomedical Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences, announced that the launch of the biological spacecraft Bion-M No. 2 could be carried out in March 2025.