OREANDA-NEWS At the bottom of the ocean, experts discovered plants that are actively fighting the global warming problem. Large seaweeds are capable of absorbing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, thereby supporting the functioning of the cycle in nature

Such a discovery changes the tactics of conservation and use of the carbon budget of the Earth. Now scientists have to measure the amount of this substance in the source in order to restore the equilibrium of the concentration of carbon in the air. Scientists in the field of climatology are convinced that the main role in the prevention of disaster is played by buried organics, which are distributed throughout the oceans

The discovery of a large number of seaweed (almost two dozen genera) was made so far from land. After analyzing the biochemical processes and composition of the objects, an approximate dose of CO2 absorption was established - 2.5 billion tons per year. For comparison: the same amount of greenhouse gas emissions occurs in America and in similar industrial states. 

It should be noted that the element stands out from the remains of the flora and fauna of the planet, as well as due to emissions by volcanoes and other geological revitalization. An imbalance can cause mass extinction of living things and deprive all oxygen reserves, so it is very important to monitor its level.