OREANDA-NEWS. July 19, 2010. At Petrozavodsk branch of Oktyabrskaya Railway cooperation between the Petrozavodsk center for organization of functioning of railway stations and customs and boundary bodies has allowed to improve work of Wartsila-Nijrala border-crossing railway station. Video control systems installed at the station now make it possible to inspect cars and trains in many foreshortenings, including on the fly, as well as to supervise the part of the station located on the curve.

It is necessary to note, that this innovation has made it possible to improve quality of station duty officers' work, as they have got access to the information on railway traffic, on the place of work of inspection groups of the State control bodies, workers of the rolling stock sphere, railway engineers, the opportunity to provide transported cargoes' safety, and frontier guards have got an opportunity to improve their wotk and and lessen the number of customs groups.

Cooperation with the State control bodies and use of modern technology in work of the station has allowed to improve quality of inspection of cars and cargoes essentially.

While this project was under implementation, customs registration and inspection of trains and cargoes straight on the border has also been reconsidered.

As a result of implementing a new approach to organization of functioning of the station, the number of train schedules sent to and received from Finland without reduction of the total number of cars has reduced. Thus, after optimization instead three trains a day sent to Finland before, now there goes two trains of greater length a day that reduces operating costs.

Currently Petrozavodsk center for organization of functioning of railway stations is considering the offer to switch car traffic volume of oversized cargoes, motor-vehicles, etc. from Buslovskaya-Vainikkala border-crossing station to Wartsila-Nijrala border-crossing station. Preliminary coordination with the State control bodies – customs and frontier guards – have been already held.