OREANDA-NEWS. April 30, 2014. Starting this week, Home Chooser – an Internet-based portal for selecting the most suitable new home – is open to use for all in Estonia.

Home Chooser is a convenient Internet-based notepad to help you assemble a list of properties that you have selected on various real estate sites or have entered yourself, and then to compare those apartments / houses based on various features.

As the basis of comparison, users can set those criteria which are specifically the most important for them (such as location, interior decoration, whether pets are allowed or not, or the availability of ancillary premises), assign ratings to properties based on them, and that way identify their most suitable home. You can use Home Chooser to calculate your family’s approximate borrowing capacity and the estimated loan payment amount on every property, providing you with a quick overview of your options for using a loan to finance your new home.

“Today, someone buying a new home must both carefully consider their family’s actual needs and compare apartments / private residences that meet those needs before making a decision.  For that reason, we believe that a tool like Home Chooser will definitely help many families,” commented Triin Messimas, Development Manager of Private Loans at SEB.

Home Chooser is very easy to use. Start by selecting suitable properties on the real estate sites www.city24.ee or www.kv.ee. In addition, you can enter asset information manually. Then, you can add comparison criteria appropriate for you and assign them a certain value when it comes to every property. Based on such assessments by the user, the system will calculate for every apartment or house an aggregate rating, based on which a hierarchy of rankings is produced. Additionally, the three most suitable potential homes can be subjected to a detailed comparison, based upon which a final decision can be reached. Home Chooser also includes a map application for an accurate overview of properties’ locations and distances, say, from the workplace, kindergarten or school.

Home Chooser is free to use by all. To explore Home Chooser, go to: https://koduvalija.seb.ee/

Next week, SEB will launch Home Chooser for use in Latvia as well.