President Petro Poroshenko has held a meeting with UK Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs Philip Hammond.

The President has noted a clear position and support towards Ukraine. "Thank you for a strong support of the UK towards Ukraine's protection of its independence, territorial integrity and sovereignty. Our struggle is a battle for freedom, democracy, European values and principles," the Head of State has emphasized. The President has stressed that Ukraine paid a high price for its freedom.

The Head of State has added that the situation was difficult not only in Donbas, but also in the occupied Crimea, where the Crimean Tatar activist was arrested. The parties have stated the worsening of the situation in the context of compliance with human rights on the peninsula.

Petro Poroshenko and Philip Hammond have emphasized the need for fulfilling the Minsk agreements by all the parties. "It will be very dangerous if European partners will put on rose-coloured spectacles considering that everything is alright," the President said. He has reminded that hostages were still not liberated, including Nadiya Savchenko, the border remained uncontrolled and the foreign troops were not withdrawn from the occupied territories.

The President has noted that in order to de-escalate the situation it was necessary to deploy a peacekeeping mission in Ukraine. The parties have agreed that the work of the OSCE mission to Ukraine should be enhanced.

The interlocutors have also discussed economic and defense cooperation. The President has noted that Ukraine counted on further support from the Uk and efficient cooperation between the countries. "We are grateful for your participation in NATO trust fund. We are satisfied with our cooperation in economic sphere," Petro Poroshenko said.

The President has urged the UK to ratify the Association Agreement between Ukraine and the EU.

In his turn, Philip Hammond noted: "I'd like to reiterate our decisive support to your struggle for sovereignty and territorial integrity of the entire Ukrainian territory".

He has added that the EU was willing to support the policy of sanctions against Russia and further enhance them in case of escalation.