Air transport

07.04.2020, 14:49
The board can fly in the morning of April 8
07.04.2020, 10:04
The international air service of Russia is stopped from March 27, export flights are suspended from April 4
03.04.2020, 17:57

Flights that transport foreign citizens from Russia will also be stopped.

02.04.2020, 13:58
On March 13, US President Donald Trump introduced an emergency regime in the country to combat the spread of coronavirus from China
02.04.2020, 13:08
The ban does not apply to cargo flights, as well as humanitarian flights
01.04.2020, 12:10
The agreement will be implemented by March 2023
30.03.2020, 13:51
Currently, over 40 charter flights are planned for April
30.03.2020, 10:28
The company is one of the largest air carriers in Europe
27.03.2020, 09:10
At the same time, Aeroflot passenger traffic decreased by 4.9%
25.03.2020, 07:32
On March 24, Donald Trump announced that US authorities could not allow Boeing to collapse and would provide the company with moderate financial support
24.03.2020, 19:57

Earlier, a number of media suggested that Warsaw closed its skies for Russian aviation.

24.03.2020, 08:27
Also, the aircraft delivered equipment for diagnosis and disinfection
23.03.2020, 12:17
The airline assured that the highest fare line was not applied to tickets for return flights from countries with a large number of COVID-19 patients
20.03.2020, 09:59
The cost reached 66.18 rubles per paper
20.03.2020, 08:18
Earlier flight of S7 airline took out 176 people


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