Air transport

24.07.2020, 14:24

However, Deputy Prime Minister said that only three countries meet the conditions for opening borders on a reciprocal basis: Great Britain, Turkey, and Tanzania.

24.07.2020, 10:21

Several passengers were injured because of the maneuvers carried out by the plane.

22.07.2020, 14:17

Airlines will be able to start using the passenger aircraft not earlier than February 2021.

17.07.2020, 17:03

“The European Union… expects Russia to accept its responsibility and to fully cooperate with efforts to establish accountability,” the declaration says.

17.07.2020, 14:18

“Due to the hazardous security situation, and poor coordination between civil aviation and military operations, there is a risk of misidentification of civil aircraft,” the message reads.

16.07.2020, 09:58

Seven people died.

09.07.2020, 13:21

Denmark, Great Britain, Germany, Hungary, Italy, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Finland, China, Vietnam, Mongolia and Sri-Lanka are in the list.

02.07.2020, 13:42
Two passenger planes — an Airbus A320 and a Boeing 777 — almost collided in the sky over Rostov-on-Don.
26.06.2020, 15:27

According to Yevgeny Dietrich, international air transportation may resume after the authorities are convinced of the safety of flights within the country.

25.06.2020, 13:53
Russia's flagship carrier Aeroflot has been secretly flying passengers abroad for nearly a month despite state-mandated grounded flights due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
17.06.2020, 14:33

According to local police, two people were injured.

11.06.2020, 14:58
In May, Russian airlines transported 946 thousand passengers, which is 91.3% lower than a year earlier
11.06.2020, 10:42
The department said that so far, air carriers will carry out only one flight per week
08.06.2020, 11:58
At the same time, the maximum value of shares reached 94.34 rubles, which is 5.06% higher than the closing level of previous trading
04.06.2020, 12:15
Earlier, the US Ministry of Transport banned Chinese airlines from carrying out commercial passenger transportation between the United States and China since June 16


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