World: articles for 23.12.2019

23.12.2019, 18:43

The rising tide of “mining” of metro and railway stations, schools, kindergartens and courts in Moscow and Saint Petersburg has already been going on for three weeks.

23.12.2019, 14:08
Walid Muallem added that at the same time, Syria in the north is being aggressed by Turkey
23.12.2019, 13:17
He will be given congratulations on the upcoming Christmas and the necessary products
23.12.2019, 13:11
Three more sentenced to 24 years in prison
23.12.2019, 12:50
According to the newspaper, the number of visas for scientists receiving research grants from British institutes will increase from 62 to more than 120
23.12.2019, 10:12
The issues of the special administrative region are related to the sphere of domestic policy of the PRC, said Moon Jae-in
23.12.2019, 10:01
US President instructed to consider this issue in mid-June
23.12.2019, 09:27
According to the NATO Secretary General, "just at a time when there are difficulties in relations, it is important to sit together at the negotiating table"

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