OREANDA-NEWS. Those who wish to enter the service under the contract in the FSB may be obliged to indicate in the questionnaire their accounts in social networks. The draft order of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation on the approval of the form of the questionnaire and the autobiography of the applicant is posted on the portal of draft regulatory legal acts.

 One of the points of the questionnaire involves filling out the table.  The applicant will have to indicate in which blogs, social networks, or other online communities he writes, give the name of his account or account, and report "the nature of the posted data."

 In general, in accordance with the new project, the content of the documents submitted by candidates for military service under the contract in the FSB is updated.  It also ensures their compliance with recent changes in federal legislation and the departmental legal framework, including those related to increased requirements for the qualitative composition of the FSB, the explanatory note to the project notes.