State: articles for 01.11.2019

01.11.2019, 22:22

23 % of examined cities are recognized as settlements with a favorable environment.

01.11.2019, 21:19

According to the President, without taking measures by the end of 2030 deficiency will amount to about 3 million people.

01.11.2019, 20:46

The scope of possible measures is consistent with China’s damage from US actions.

01.11.2019, 18:50

The average share is 65.1 %.

01.11.2019, 17:15

 “The Americans smuggle oil from Syria in the amount of more than 30 million dollars per month,” Maria Zakharova stated.

01.11.2019, 16:30

Osman Pamukoglu believes that the conflict will begin between the United States of America, China and Russia

01.11.2019, 15:42

The lawsuit was filed by the Ministry of Justice.

01.11.2019, 11:40
Director of Russia's Foreign Intelligence Service claims no genetic material as evidence of the destruction of Abu Bakra al-Baghdadi
01.11.2019, 09:18
This is due to the high crop yield and low prices
01.11.2019, 08:13
They were detained during intelligence operations southeast of the city of Ras al Ain

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