State: articles for 02.02.2024

02.02.2024, 16:51
Maxim Shaskolsky, head of the Federal Antimonopoly Service, said that recently the FAS has initiated 28 cases of violation of antimonopoly legislation in 19 regions based on the results of monitoring prices at gas stations.
02.02.2024, 16:46
Patriotism consists of love for family, small homeland and country, Russian President Vladimir Putin said at a meeting with participants of the "Everything for Victory" forum
02.02.2024, 16:23
A civilian resident of Gorlovka, the DPR, was injured as a result of an attack by a Ukrainian drone, said the head of the city administration, Ivan Prikhodko.
02.02.2024, 16:01
In 2023, Russia sold billions of dollars worth of weapons abroad. The volume of arms sales was estimated by Russian President Vladimir Putin, his words are quoted by TASS.
02.02.2024, 15:58
Russian enterprises of the military-industrial complex now have orders "to the brim," Russian President Vladimir Putin said.
02.02.2024, 15:40
In Kaluga, near the building of the city council, the hands on the clock stopped — they have not shown the time since December. This is reported by the "Rise".
02.02.2024, 11:07
In the Trans-Baikal Territory, customs officers found a uniform for the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU) on a freight train at a railway checkpoint.

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