State: articles for 12.04.2024

12.04.2024, 14:11
Slovenian Ambassador Daria Bavdaj-Kuret was summoned to the Russian Foreign Ministry on Friday, the Russian Foreign Ministry said.
12.04.2024, 13:57
Attacks by Ukrainian drones on Russian oil refineries (refineries) can undermine the global market for petroleum products.
12.04.2024, 13:42
In 2024, the entry of new foreign brands into the Russian market will slow down. Kommersant writes about this with reference to experts in the field of commercial real estate.
12.04.2024, 13:20
Events like the inauguration of the President of Russia are viewed by enemies as a reason for new provocations. This was announced by the press secretary of the head of state Dmitry Peskov, whose words are quoted by RIA Novosti.
12.04.2024, 13:12
The Hot Dog Bulldog company, part of which is owned by the famous Russian humorist Garik Kharlamov, has become interested in bailiffs. This is reported by Shot in Telegram.
12.04.2024, 11:32
US war correspondent Russell Bentley, who works in Donbass, disappeared in Donetsk. This is reported by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Donetsk People's Republic (DPR) in Telegram.
12.04.2024, 10:36
The rate of growth of oil reserves, including gas condensate, in Russia slowed down to a record in 2023. Its reduction to a six-year low, with reference to the materials of Rosnedra, is reported by the Vedomosti newspaper.

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