State finance

22.04.2020, 08:07
WTI crude oil futures price drops 4.75% to $ 11.02 per barrel
21.04.2020, 16:43

According to Herman Gref, it is explained by the lack of resources.

21.04.2020, 16:01
Direct support to the economy from the entire anti-crisis program of the government is 0.3% of GDP (340 billion rubles)
21.04.2020, 15:06
It amounted to $ 131 million
21.04.2020, 12:45
The billionaire also plans to convince the British government to provide his airline with a loan of £ 500 million
21.04.2020, 11:05
The index began to fall after a report by CNN about a possible deterioration in the state of health of the chairman of the DPRK State Council
21.04.2020, 10:29
According to Bloomberg, the Ministry of Energy instructed Russian companies to split the reduction by 2.5 million barrels per day in proportion
21.04.2020, 09:06
The price of WTI oil for the first time in US history fell on the New York Mercantile Exchange to negative indicators
21.04.2020, 08:42
The price of WTI crude oil for May delivery rose after the first ever drop below zero
20.04.2020, 16:12
Former employee of the Ukrainian Embassy in the USA Andriy Telizhenko pointed out that the ex-president of the country received money from several sources
20.04.2020, 15:16
Previously, general export licenses were issued only to banks that received the relevant Central Bank license
20.04.2020, 14:34
In 2020, it may decline by 6.6% to 13.6
20.04.2020, 13:45
They were visited by more than 16 million customers
20.04.2020, 13:27
It is reported that the budget deficit is planned to be financed from several sources
20.04.2020, 11:52
Bilateral trade amounted to just under $ 4.9 billion


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