Culture and leisure: articles for 11.07.2019

11.07.2019, 22:21
The average price of a liter of gasoline in Russia for the period 1 to 7 July increased by 2 kopecks and in At the site of the multifunctional complex “Ufa-Arena”.
11.07.2019, 21:17
The musical group "Leningrad" will perform at the Russian stage of the world car racing championship in the Formula 1 car class in Sochi. 
11.07.2019, 20:26
Two female giant mammoth Poitou donkey will be brought to Moscow zoo in the fall of 2019, from the Czech Republic.
11.07.2019, 15:38

In St. Petersburg, blind musician Danila Bolshakov played the burning piano, writes.

11.07.2019, 14:25

In the Serbian ethnic settlement Drvengrad, the Kustendorf Classic Festival of Classical Music started, organized by Emir Kusturica. The forum opened with the performance of viola player Yuri Bashmet.

11.07.2019, 13:26

Mattel has released a series of Barbie toys in honor of Samantha Cristoforetti - the only female astronaut who is a member of the European Space Agency. Reports the AdAge edition about it.

11.07.2019, 12:39

Rambler Group Alexandra Mamuta has become an investor and co-producer of the Bender film series, which will be removed based on the novel The Twelve Chairs by Ilya Ilf and Yevgeny Petrov. The main role in the series will play Sergey Bezrukov.

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