Culture and leisure: articles for 09.07.2021

09.07.2021, 13:32

The singer spoke out against the "greedy patriarchy that turns women into slaves" and said that he must die.

09.07.2021, 12:28

To maintain health, the XIV Dalai Lama sleeps 9 hours. The spiritual leader of Buddhists spoke about this at an online meeting with Indian doctors.

09.07.2021, 11:46

The famous rock musician Marilyn Manson surrendered to the police after he was wanted - as promised.

09.07.2021, 11:34

The handwritten texts discovered by the nun Julia Bolton Holloway in the archives of the Vatican and Florentine libraries most likely belong to the pen of Dante Alighieri, author of The Divine Comedy, writes The Times.

09.07.2021, 11:21
The issue of the permitted number of flights to Egyptian resorts will be decided at a meeting of the operational headquarters to fight the spread of coronavirus, the headquarters told reporters on July 8.

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