OREANDA-NEWS. September 20, 2016. So was it successful? Findlay High School administrators indicate that they saw several positive changes in student behavior and academic performance. One example is a student with a passion for welding who is being given assistance with that career field. He is now making more positive choices and is on track to graduate early.

MPC emphasized the importance of school attendance all year long, offering monthly drawings of Speedway gift cards for students with good attendance. Three students ended the year with no unexcused absences and were surprised with brand new iPads at an end-of-school-year celebration held at the Hancock County Historical Society.

Loch notes that her team members will stay with this group of students all the way until graduation, offering more individualized guidance in the next two years. In the fall, another set of 25 sophomores will be identified by the school administration, and Business Development’s Beth Lewandowski will take the lead role, assisted by 29 employee volunteers.