OREANDA-NEWS. Yesterday, India (Conacona city) hosted the second meeting of the Joint Working Group for the cooperation between Gazprom and ONGC Group. The Gazprom’s delegation was chaired by Alexander Medvedev, Deputy Chairman of the Gazprom Management Committee.

Within the second meeting of the Joint Working Group the parties acknowledged the necessity to develop long-term cooperation in the energy sector between Gazprom and ONGC Group.

The meeting also examined issues in regard to joint participation in exploration and development of oil and gas fields in India (particularly, the New Exploration Licensing Policy of India (NELP- VII Program), Russia and third countries as well as the cooperation in the LNG and energy sectors.

Summing up the meeting results the parties made a decision to prolong the Memorandum of understanding between the companies.

The next meeting of the Joint Working Group is planned to be held in July 2007.