OREANDA-NEWS. On 15 May 2009 was announced, that after registering the world's first cases of a new form of influenza caused by A/H1N1 virus, the medical service of the Ashgabat airport switched to heightened security mode. This was reported in Neutral Turkmenistan newspaper who quoted the medical center of the airport. "By thoroughly examining arriving passengers, we can be sure that we will not let dangerous infections get in the country," - Dunya Muratlieva, doctor on duty, said.

All passengers arriving in Ashgabat from abroad are checked by thermo-scanners. These scanners have also been installed at the sea port of Turkmenbashi city. In case of detecting a passenger with fever, he is isolated in the hospital to find out the causes of the disease. As of today, no case of influenza virus A/H1N1 has been reported in Turkmenistan.

It should be recalled that at a government meeting on 4 May Turkmen President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov issued instructions to ensure the entire range of preventive measures, "to put a reliable barrier to A/H1N1in influenza penetration into the country."