OREANDA-NEWS. July 30, 2010. Such data was voiced on 15 July of the current year at the expanded meeting on results of production and financial and economic operation of JSC “KazTransOil” that has taken place under the chairmanship of the General Director, Sultan Nurbol Sarybayuly in Aktau. The took place with participation of the top managers of the Company, Directors of the Branches, their Deputies on the issues of economics and finance, heads of representations, subsidiary and jointly controlled organizations, Directors of Departments and Heads of Services of the Central Office of the Company.

At the meeting, the Managing Directors on Economics and Finance of JSC “KazTransOil”, Asem Nussupova, made a presentation of the report on results of production and financial and economic operation of the Company for the 6 months of 2010. She noted that in the 6 months of 2010, the volume of oil transportation via system of JSC “KazTransOil” was equal to 25 mln. 949 thousand tons of oil, which is 1 mln. 564 thousand tons more than in the first half year of 2009 (factual for 6 months of 2009 was 24 mln. 385 thousand tons). The increase of volumes of oil transportation via pipeline system of JSC “KazTransOil” is linked to the growth of production and submission of oil to the system of main oil pipelines of the Company by oil producer companies.

The cargo turnover through the system of main pipelines of JSC “KazTransOil” in the reporting period is equal to 16 billion 628 mln. tons km, which is for 514 mln. tons km, or 3% more than the correspondent indicator of 2009 (factual for the first half year of 2009 was 16 bln. 114 mln. tons km).

The “Atyrau-Samara” section of “Uzen-Atyrau-Samara” oil pipeline pumped 7 mln. 291 thousand tons km in the first 6 months of the year.

The volume of oil throughput via section of “Atasu-Alashankou” in this period reached the level of 4 mln. 967 thousand tons of oil. In comparison with the first half year 2009 the given indicator grew for 1 mln. 673 thousand tons, or for 51% (the fact for 6 months of 2009 was 3 mln. 293 thousand tons).

According to results of the first half year of 2010, the transit of the Russian oil through the section of “TON-2”, located on the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan, was equal to 2 mln. 768 thousand tons, which is higher than the result of the same period of 2009 for 402 thousand tons, or 17% (the fact for 6 months of 2009 was equal to 2 mln. 366 thousand tons of oil).

In comparison with the last year, the volume of oil transportation through the system of main pipelines of JSC “KazTransOil” to oil refineries of the Republic of Kazakhstan has increased. According to the results of the 6 months of 2010 the volume of transportation of oil to refineries of the Republic of Kazakhstan was equal to 6 mln. 446 thousand tons, which is higher than in the same period of 2009 for 1 mln. 470 thousand tons of oil, or for 30% (the fact for the 6 months of 2009 was equal to 4 mln.976 thousand tons of oil).

JSC “KazTransOil” carries out supply of Volga water to consumers of Atyrau and Mangistau oblasts of Kazakhstan via Astrahan-Mangyshklak waterline. In the first half year of 2010, the volume of water supply was equal to 9 mln. 648 thousand cubic meters, and in comparison with the same period of 2009, the volume increased for 750 thousand cubic meters or for 8%. Such increase is conditioned mainly by consumption of Volga water by oil and gas producer companies.

As for the results of financial and economic operation in the first half year of the current year, according to operational data, in this period of time the size of revenues of the Company was equal to 58 993 mln. tenge, which is 9% higher than the same indicator of 2009. The income from the core activity in the reporting period was equal to 56 660 mln. tenge, which is 10% than the correspondent indicator of 2009. The end income of the Company according to preliminary data for the 6 months of 2010 is equal to 23 226 mln. tenge, which 67% more than the same indicator of 2009. Such increase is explained, first of all, by the launch of the new per unit tariff for export, at the level of 3 331 tenge per 1 ton for 1000 km, and secondly, by growth of oil transportation volumes.

The expense item of the Company in the first half year of 2010 is equal to 32 321 mln. tenge, which is 3% less than the planned volume. In comparison with the same indicator of the 6 months of 2009, the expenses decreased for 10%.

According to preliminary date, implementation of the program on capital investments for the 6 months of 2010 is equal to about 8 859 mln. tenge, which is 42% higher than the planned indicator and practically exceeds the result of the first half year of 2009 for three times. Such increase in capital investments is conditioned by advance in works on reconstruction and modernization of GOPS Kumkol. It should be noted that reconstruction of GOPS Kumkol, located in Karaganda oblast, and reconstruction and expansion of GOPS Kenkiyak in Aktobe oblast are held for the purposes of expansion of throughput capacity of Kenkiyak-Kumkol oil pipeline. All works are planned to be completed in 2011.

In 2010, the Company plans to hold works on replacement of sections and reconstruction of air passages of Pavlodar – Shymkent pipeline, modernization of earth and anti-lightning systems at GOPS Atasu, reconstruction of OPS “Makat” and many other.

One of the important events of the fist half year of the current year was the launch of reconstructed two-way loading and unloading rack No.1 at OPS Atyrau. As a result of the modernization, the Company received modern and equipped production asset, the management of which is carried out by means of automated software technical complex. This allowed qualitatively improving technological process of the work of Atyrau rail loading and unloading terminal and increasing throughput capacity.

It should be noted that the system of main oil pipelines of JSC “KazTransOil” – is a powerful technological complex with major possibilities. By launching new and modernized objects, the Company proves its aspiration to work for partners and in line with the requirements of the time. The positive dynamics of production and financial indicators and implementation of set production plans is another proof of above mentioned.

JSC “KazTransOil” is a subsidiary company of JSC NC “KazMunaiGas”, operating major part of the system of oil pipelines of Kazakhstan. The Company manages the network of main oil pipelines with the length of 5 309, 66 km and Astrahan-Mangyshlak waterline ( 2 154,8 km), operates five rail loading and unloading terminals, located at GOPS Atyrau (two racks), OPS Shagyr, GOPS Atasu, GOPS Aktau. The Company presently carries out transportation of up to 60% of the oil produced in Kazakhstan. In 2009 the volume of oil transported by JSC “KazTransOil” via its own main pipeline system was equal to 50, 9 mln. tons.