OREANDA-NEWS. May 29, 2012. Acting minister of industry and trade of the Russian Federation Mr. Denis Manturov congratulated NPO Saturn on receiving a Production Approval Organization certificate awarded by the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) authorizing serial production of the SaM146 engines. The letter addressed to Mr. Ilya Fedorov, NPO Saturn chief executive officer, says:

‘On behalf of the Ministry of industry and trade of the Russian Federation allow me to congratulate you on the award of the EASA POA certificate authorizing your company to serially produce the SaM146 engine jointly developed by Russia and France!

NPO Saturn has emerged as the first engine-building company in the country to be granted permission by the European Aviation Safety Agency to manufacture engines for civil aviation. This is a most important and strategically significant event for the entire Russian industry and it plays a crucial role in the development of international partnership relations, in particular between Russia and France in the frame of setting up and bringing to fruition joint projects.

By the common effort of the government and business, we have been able to implement a number of projects of paramount importance in Russia. The support of the governments of the two countries given to such large-scale and highly needed programs as the SaM146 program, the well thought-out industrial policy of Russia aimed at the strategic security and prosperity of our state in many ways contribute to the recognition by the European Union of this new product manufactured on the territory of Russia.

NPO Saturn OJSC emerged as the first company in Russia to win the right to produce the modern and reliable aviation engine having complied with all the international and domestic airworthiness regulations. It is the victory of the entire NPO Saturn team and it is due to the perseverance, goal-orientation and professionalism of every employee that such a tremendous result has been achieved.

I wish you all to have enough confidence in your strength to climb new mountains for the benefit of Russian industry!’

Andrey Reus, general manager of UIC OBORONPROM and United engine corporation, congratulated the personnel of NPO Saturn on behalf of the companies he heads, with receiving a Production Approval Organization certificate awarded by the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) for serial production of the SaM146 engines: ‘This event is a crucial milestone in the development of not only your company but of the entire United engine corporation. For the first time in many years we have been able to establish a production base being in full compliance not only with Russian but also with international airworthiness rules.

It was a very challenging project for the employees of NPO Saturn requiring not only their knowledge and skills but also a hundred-percent dedication.

We have to understand that today, as many years ago, professionalism and perseverance of each of us directly determine not only the ultimate success of the company but the leadership of our country in the high-tech industries, competitiveness of Russian aircraft and engine industry on the world markets. This is not an easy task but we can do it!

I wish you to not lose interest in your work always achieving the goals you set; I wish you new personal and professional victories, well-being and optimism!’

Earlier the governor of Yaroslavl region Sergey Vakhrukov also sent a congratulatory telegram emphasizing that it is for the first time and exactly ‘in Yaroslavl region that the engine builders of Saturn have been able to create a unique production that conforms to the strict international aviation requirements. It is an impressive and no doubt a well-deserved result. I wish to extend my sincere gratitude and appreciation to the employees of NPO Saturn who have contributed to the success of the SaM146 project, without whom this success story would have never been possible in the first place. Your company is a real flagship for the industry of Yaroslavl region, it contributes greatly to economic prosperity of the region and helps maintain a stable social climate. You set ambitious goals and achieve them. The real evidence to that is the SaM146 program thanks to which the Rybinsk-made engines take to the sky the newest Russian aircraft – Sukhoi SuperJet100. I wish the entire staff of NPO Saturn success in this important work you do for the benefit of Russian engine-building industry; I also wish you to achieve all the set goals, reinforce your leading standing both on the domestic and international markets. I wish you all the best.’

Research and production association Saturn OJSC – an engine-building company specialized in design, manufacture and aftermarket support of gas-turbine engines for military and civil aviation, power-generation and gas-pumping installations, the Navy boats and commercial ships. NPO Saturn OJSC is part of United engine corporation – a 100% subsidiary of the united industrial company OBORONPROM OJSC with the objective of engine-building asset management.

United industrial company OBORONPROM OJSC – a multi-field machine-building group of companies founded in 2002. It is part of GK Russian technologies. Its main fields of business: helicopter building (Helicopters of Russia OJSC), engine building (MC ODK) and other assets.