World: articles for 19.02.2024

19.02.2024, 08:38
Rosatom enterprises returned taxes worth more than 400 billion rubles to the state budget in 2023, said Alexey Likhachev, General Director of the state corporation, in an interview with Expert magazine.
19.02.2024, 08:19
Belarus has begun reconstruction of its part of the railway corridor in the direction of the ports of St. Petersburg, Minister of Transport and Communications of the Republic Alexey Lyakhnovich
19.02.2024, 08:11
The share of Russians who have basic knowledge in the field of financial literacy has increased to 72% in six years, according to the website of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation
19.02.2024, 08:06
Units of Russian troops continue to clean up residential areas of Avdiivka (DPR), video of the raid of the Viking special forces unit on the liberated city was at the disposal of RIA Novosti.

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