World: articles for 21.02.2024

21.02.2024, 19:45
There are a large number of migrants living in the Moscow region, and many of them profess Islam, while the Russian Orthodox Church (ROC) sees a problem with their adaptation to life in Russian society
21.02.2024, 19:45
There are a large number of migrants living in the Moscow region, and many of them profess Islam, while the Russian Orthodox Church (ROC) sees a problem with their adaptation to life in Russian society
21.02.2024, 19:42
The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) considers Russia its strategic partner, primarily in security matters, Mansour Al-Marzouki
21.02.2024, 19:37
Spanish police are investigating the possibility of the involvement of the "Russian mafia" or Russian intelligence services in the death of defector Maxim Kuzminov, the Times newspaper writes.
21.02.2024, 19:33
Uzbekistan is developing promising projects worth $45 billion with Russia, Uzbek President Shavkat Mirziyoyev said.
Mirziyoyev arrived in Kazan
21.02.2024, 19:19
Vladimir Putin flew to Tatarstan, where he will take part in the opening of the "Games of the Future" and meet with colleagues from other countries.
21.02.2024, 18:47
Deputies from the Servant of the People party proposed to introduce a total video surveillance regime in Ukraine.
21.02.2024, 18:44
If the tax on long-term deposits is abolished, Russians' demand for such services will grow by an average of two to three percent per year.
21.02.2024, 18:34
The Turkish currency exchange rate on February 21 updated the historical minimum against the American one and reached 31 lira per US dollar. 

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