World: articles for 03.05.2024

03.05.2024, 19:16
The North Atlantic Alliance is considering the possibility of deploying security and defense advisory missions in a number of countries in the Middle East
03.05.2024, 18:56
In Finland, the Kainuu District Court arrested three Russian students on suspicion of exporting items suitable for both civilian and military use.
03.05.2024, 18:44
Crimea is part of Russia because its population voted in favor of joining in a referendum, Lithuanian presidential candidate Eduardas Vaitkus said in an interview with the ELTA news agency.
03.05.2024, 18:16
The White House is promoting a new idea in order to "get around this problem." According to Dalip Singh, Deputy National Security Adviser to the US President
03.05.2024, 17:54
The leaders of the NATO countries are afraid of an alleged possible Russian attack on the countries of the alliance, but the likelihood of such a scenario in the coming years is not great.

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