OREANDA-NEWS Finam Broker and Investment Group can provide clients with access to the markets of South Korea, Brazil and Mexico by the end of 2023. This was written by the online edition of RBC with reference to the message of the president of the company Vladislav Kochetkov.

"Most likely, by the end of the year, besides India, at least one Latin American market and possibly South Korea will appear," Kochetkov said on the sidelines of the NAUFOR conference "Russian Stock Market—2023".

According to him, it will be possible to provide access to the Brazilian market most quickly, since operations with real have already been established. The situation is more complicated with Mexico — the Russian side has less established foreign economic relations with this country.

As the head of the investment group noted, access to new markets through a broker will be available only to qualified investors.

In the second half of March, Finama analysts presented data according to which the ruble remains the most popular currency for storing savings in cash on the Russian domestic market.