OREANDA-NEWS  By the end of December 2022, the volume of investments in US government securities fell by 3.3 times compared to November. The figure was $ 629 million, according to data from the US Treasury.

Short—term bonds accounted for $525 million against $2.012 billion in November, long-term bonds - $104 million against $80 million in November.

The largest holders of US government securities were Japan ($1.07 trillion), China ($867.1 billion) and the United Kingdom ($654.5 billion).

Recall that in November, the volume of Russian investments in US government securities amounted to $ 2.092 billion, in October — $ 2.015 billion. Since March 2022, the average volume of investments has been about $2 billion. Russia began to reduce the volume of investments in US bonds in 2018 after the next round of sanctions, then their volume reached $ 96 billion.