OREANDA-NEWS In March, Russian banks issued loans to citizens for 1.34 million rubles. This is 35 percent more than in February, and 109 percent more than in March last year.

The most actively developed segment of cash loans. In February, such loans were issued for 631.5 billion rubles, which is 38.7 percent more than in February, and 670 more than a year earlier, Izvestia reports.

The second place is taken by the mortgage. Over the month, the growth was 35.1 percent, and a total of 573.5 billion rubles were allocated for the purchase of housing.

Earlier it was reported that the Bank of Russia will introduce restrictions on risky mortgage programs offering extremely low interest rates.

The reason for the restrictions, as noted in the Central Bank, is that the offer of cheap loans is a trick of developers, which increases risks for both banks and citizens.