OREANDA-NEWS. November 19, 2009. Shain Mustafayev, the minister for economic development, has received today a delegation of MEDEF (the Mouvement des Entreprises de France or in English: Movement of the French Enterprises).

In the meeting MEDEF delegation’s head Pascal Jannin Peres (she is also the director of company Derichebourg Environnment) said that among the delegates were reps of 20 banks, construction, medical, energy, transport and other companies.

The Azerbaijan minister noted that France was the major trade partner of the South Caucasus states out of the European Union countries. Today already 45 companies with French capital are operating in Azerbaijan, and the two countries are expected to sign soon agreements on promotion and protection of investments and on double taxation avoiding. He related agriculture, industrial sector, tourism, and infrastructure to prospective industries for co-operation between Azerbaijan and France.