OREANDA-NEWS. January 18, 2010. The United Nations Security Council highly evaluated the work of the UN Regional Centre for Preventive Diplomacy in Central Asia (UNRCCA) for a profound contribution to establishing a constructive dialogue among the countries of the region to address common challenges.

Upon reviewing the information presented by UN Secretary-General’s Special Representative Miroslav Jenca on the UNRCCA’s activities, the UN Security Council expressed its full support for the efforts taken by the UN Regional Centre to enhance effective cooperation with the Central Asian governments and the regional and international organisations operating in the region.

Underscoring the importance of the tasks set to the UN peacemaking structure, which was opened in Ashgabat in 2007 on the initiative of the Government of Turkmenistan, the members of the UN Security Council expressed belief that relying on Turkmenistan’s peacemaking potential and profound experience in collaboration with the United Nations, the Centre for Preventive Diplomacy would further serve as an effective instrument of early warning and conflict prevention and settlement of disputes and crisis situations in the region where new incentives to promote sustainable development and economic cooperation were urgently called for.

For Turkmenistan that attaches primary significance to intensification of collaboration with the United Nations the opening of the UNRCCA headquarter in Ashgabat marked a new stage of long-term effective partnership with this authoritative international organisation that proclaimed achievement of peace and wellbeing throughout the world its main goal.

Thus, the high evaluation of the activities conducted by the UN Regional Centre for Preventive Diplomacy in Central Asia could be regarded, first of all, as the recognition of the active position of our country that had put forward a number of the important initiatives in recent years including particularly achievement of water and energy security, promotion of an enabling environment to address urgent problems and challenges in the region, development of the most effective, mutually acceptable approaches to cooperation in the interests of global peace and sustainable development.