OREANDA-NEWSThe United States, by introducing new sanctions that impede the supply of fuel to the Russian military in Syria, is trying to prevent the total elimination of terrorism in this republic. This is stated in a commentary circulated on Friday by the Russian Foreign Ministry. "Now the masks have been completely dropped - it’s directly about the desire to prevent the complete elimination of terrorists on Syrian soil", the ministry said, commenting on the introduction of new restrictive measures by Washington.

The Russian Foreign Ministry said that the fight against the terrorist threat in Syria will continue, despite the fact that the US patronizes extremists and illegally occupies part of the country, "preventing the end of the Syrian conflict". The Russian Foreign Ministry also strongly condemned the introduction of sanctions.

"The Russian side has long noted with concern that Washington is" patronizing "terrorists from Jabhat al-Nusra (banned in Russia). Introducing sanctions against the Russian company Sovfreight in 2016, which ensured the delivery of fuel to Syria, and subsequently blocked a significant amount of its funds, the American authorities still covered themselves with links to a desire to put pressure on Russia in the Crimean context".

As stated in the Russian Foreign Ministry, the sanctions that the US administration imposed on Thursday have become 75th since the US began to destroy relations between Moscow and Washington in 2011. “Since then, the American initiators of sanctions pressure on Russia have not achieved any result”, the Russian diplomats summed up. “This time, we can say, they surpassed themselves in their own recklessness”. The US administration on Thursday blacklisted five vessels, one company and three individuals for the supply of fuel to Syria for the Russian Armed Forces.