OREANDA-NEWS. August 08, 2008. A solemn ceremony dedicated to the 70th anniversary of putting into operation the first hydroelectric generator of Gergebil hydropower station took place in Kumry town, reported the press-centre of RusHydro.
A large delegation of the officials came from the capital city of the republic, from Moscow and Saint-Petersburg to congratulate the workers and veterans of the station: Kazbek Kandaurov, Minister of industry, transportation and communication of Dagestan Republic; Gamzat Gamzatov, Peresident Adviser for fuel and energy complex in Dagestan Republic; Roman Klochkov, Head of the operation and maintenance department in JSC “RusHydro”; Vladimir Minin, Chief engineer of the reconstruction project of Gergebil hydropower station; Abdulhalim Machaev, Mayer of Gunib region; Magomed Zubairov, Deputy Mayer of Gergebil region of Dagestan Republic and others.
Gamzat Gamzatov, who worked as Gergebil hydropower station director during the period of 1980-1983, In his welcome speech addressed the four generations of hydropower industry workers who gathered in the front yard of the powerhouse: “ It is you – the living history of the Dagestan Republic power industry story.

You have created effective, constantly developing Dagestan school of power engineers. Learning and getting experience during the construction of Gergebil power plant, our specialists received the practical training and obtained high professional skills to begin the construction of Chirurt HPPs Cascade, Chirkey HPP, Miatly HPP and other hydropower objects. Today we can say that our republic became self-sufficient in electric power production”.

The construction firms were also represented at the meeting: joint-stock company of closed type “CaspijSGAM”, “Energostroi Ltd.”; as well as other power companies: “MRSK “Northern Caucasus” Branch”, “Dagenergo”, “Dagestan RDU”, “Sulak HydroCascade” and others.
After the congratulation speeches, the official handed the presents and financial gifts to the veteran-workers of Gergebil hydropower station. Several workers of the plant were rewarded with the Diplomas of honor of Dagestan Republic and JSC “RusHydro”. Kazbek Kandaurov, Minister of industry, transportation and communication of Dagestan Republic, granted personnel of the station with the highest honor reward of Dagestan – Diploma of Honor of Dagestan Republic. Every participant of the ceremony received a memorable gift-set including a DVD with a documentary film “The Firstborn of GOELRO in Dagestan”, bright calendars and a historical brochure with a book about the station.
Roman Klochkov, representative of JSC “RusHydro” - the head company, presented a symbolic prize to the collective body of Gergebil hydropower station. He said: This Terrestrial Globe should remind that the ideology of pure energy which Dagestan Branch of the company spreads in Dagestan Republic and in the other regions of Russia, needs to be taken further, beyond the borders and spread allover the world”.
After the meeting guests of Gergebil HPP were given a tour to the trout pools at the foundation of the dam, and an excursion to the well-preserved old historical powerhouse, where they could see the exposition of drawings of well-known artist Nikolai Lakov graphic chronicler of Gergebil hydropower station construction.

“Gergebil” dance group gave a fantastic colorful performance of national dances. Then all the guests were invited to fest dinner organized by the hosts of the celebration on a beautiful green island located downstream from the station dam.