State: articles for 03.10.2023

03.10.2023, 18:56
Representatives of the G7, who will agree on the parameters of possible new restrictions on diamonds from Russia, do not object to the purchase of these stones by the Indian lapidary industry.
03.10.2023, 17:56
The winners of the Nobel Prize in Physics for 2023 were Pierre Agostini, Ferenc Krausch and Anne L'Huillier "for experimental methods of generating attosecond pulses of light to study the dynamics of electrons in matter."
03.10.2023, 17:46
"Roscosmos has offered the space agency of Brazil, Turkey and South Africa to participate in the Russian orbital Station, the delegations of these countries have expressed interest
03.10.2023, 16:47
The ratification of the Rome Statute of the ICC by the Armenian Parliament is an incorrect decision, questions have arisen to official Yerevan
03.10.2023, 16:25
In 2024, the average pension in Russia will be slightly more than 23.2 thousand rubles per month. This was stated by the head of the Ministry of Finance Anton Siluanov, RIA Novosti writes.
03.10.2023, 16:21
It has become more difficult for Armenian brandy to get to Russia, the Minister of Economy of the Republic Vahan Kerobyan said. The words of the representative of the department cites
03.10.2023, 16:16
Roskomnadzor plans to issue an order according to which, from March 1, 2024, all VPN services in Russia will be blocked
03.10.2023, 16:07
VKontakte will hold a Fandom Fest that will unite thousands of fans of different directions of pop culture. The festival will be held on November 10-12 at the Moscow festival site — Main Stage.
03.10.2023, 15:50
In the Moscow region, a court sentenced a resident of Kaliningrad and a Chinese citizen to a high-security colony for smuggling 813 kilograms of amber.

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