OREANDA-NEWS  On 27 February was announced, that Chairman of Agency for Economic and Corruption Crimes Kairat Kozhamzharov reported the President on the realization of the first stage measures of the State Program on Fighting Corruption for 2006-2010 and the beginning of the second stage.

During the meeting the President highlighted that fighting corruption is one of the most important task of the state. The Financial Policy should reveal corrupt officials despite of the positions they held. The Prosecutor’s Office and NSC should assist the Agency in this work.

The head of state pointed out that we already have first results of fighting corruption but it is necessary to activate the work in this direction.

The Agency for Economic and Corruption Crimes was instructed to continue the work on legality assessment of issuing licence for Kazakhstan’s natural resources development, to take over the control of tax assignments received from the sale of alcoholic beverages and to control utilization of funds allocated for realization of the Anti-Crisis Program of the Government for 209-2011.

The President instructed Mr. Kairat Kozhamzharov to organize in each region financial policy “helpline” and initiate introduction of amendments to the corresponding laws on fighting corruption.