OREANDA-NEWS. October 24, 2011. At Russia’s initiative, Dmitry Medvedev had a telephone conversation with President of Turkey Abdullah Gul.

Mr Medvedev expressed condolences on behalf of the entire Russian people over the great loss of life and destruction caused by yesterday’s earthquake in Turkey, and said that Russia is ready to provide immediate help should Turkey request it.

Mr Gul thanked Mr Medvedev for his swift and sincere response to the tragic events in the province of Van.

The telephone conversation took place during talks at the Kremlin between Mr Medvedev and President of Armenia Serzh Sargsyan, who joined in the conversation to express his sincere condolences and support to Mr Gul and said that Armenia too is ready to provide any assistance that may be required.

Mr Gul thanked Mr Sargsyan for this expression of solidarity.