OREANDA-NEWS. The cruise missiles that attacked the oil facilities of the company Saudi Aramco in September 2019 were of Iranian origin. This follows from a report by United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres.

In a previous message it was stated that it was not possible to identify a manufacturer of missiles and drones.

According to Reuters agency, the new report is based on analysis of fragments of weapons used during last year’s attacks on other objects of Saudi Arabia. As it is noted in UN document, conclusions were made on the basis of the design of missiles and drones, as well as inscriptions in Farsi.

On September 14, 2019, missiles attacked two oil refineries in Saudi Arabia. Washington and Riyadh admitted Iran’s involvement in the incident.

Later, the responsibility for the attack was assumed by Ansar Allah, the Yemeni rebel movement of the Hussites. However, US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said that there is no evidence of conducting attack from Yemen, and continued to blame Tehran.

Iranian leader Hassan Rouhani denies the allegations.