OREANDA-NEWSThe Government of the Republic of Korea will continue to make efforts to resolve disagreements with Japan through dialogue. This was announced on Thursday by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the country, Kang Kyung Hwa, commenting on the visit of the head of the South Korean government Lee Nak Yong to Japan.

The Foreign Minister recalled that "Seoul is making strategic efforts to improve relations with neighbors such as China, Japan and Russia, as well as to maintain peace on the Korean peninsula". “With regard to Japan, priority should be given to resolving trade conflicts”, said Kang Gyeong-hwa. Speaking about North Korean issues, the minister noted that Seoul "continues to try to give impetus to the dialogue between Pyongyang and Washington".

Relations between Tokyo and Seoul escalated amid trade disagreements. In early July, Japan tightened control over the export to the Republic of Korea of ​​three types of materials necessary for the production of modern semiconductors and displays of various electronic devices. In August, Japan removed South Korea from the list of countries to which Japanese nanomaterials and high-tech components were supplied without restrictions. In September, Seoul excluded Tokyo from its own list of priority partners.