OREANDA-NEWS. March 13, 2009. The Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, Sergey Lavrov, paid a working visit to the Azerbaijan Republic on March 11-12.

The head of the Russian foreign affairs agency was received by President of the Azerbaijan Republic Ilham Aliyev. In the meeting, an exchange of views took place on the first implementation results of the Declaration on Friendship and Strategic Partnership between Russia and Azerbaijan, signed by Russian and Azerbaijan Presidents Dmitry Medvedev and Ilham Aliyev in Baku on July 3, 2008.

Major aspects of bilateral cooperation in the political, trade, economic and humanitarian fields and a broad range of regional and international issues were discussed in the meeting between the two countries’ Foreign Ministers.

The sides’ mutual desire to comprehensively help the strengthening of the strategic partnership between Russia and Azerbaijan through an intensified political dialogue, more efficient economic and commercial cooperation and wider ties in the humanitarian and other areas was reaffirmed.

In context of the preparations for the Third Caspian Summit Sergey Lavrov and Elmar Mamedyarov examined the state of affairs in talks on a legal status for the Caspian Sea and the prospects for creating a five-nation Caspian security mechanism and a Caspian Economic Cooperation Organization.

The Russian side affirmed readiness to continue assistance in brokering a political settlement of the Nagorno Karabakh conflict. Lavrov and Mamedyarov noted the significance of the Declaration signed by the Presidents of Russia, Azerbaijan and Armenia in Moscow on November 2, 2008, in this context.

The Ministers spoke for improving bilateral cooperation within universal and regional international organizations, primarily the UN and CIS.

Lavrov, Rossotrudnichestvo Head Farit Mukhametshin and Mamedyarov took part in the unveiling of a Russian Information and Cultural Center in Baku.