OREANDA-NEWS. October 25, 2012. The agenda of the All-Turkmen forum – the Elders’ Council meeting taken place in Turkmenbashi on October 23 focused on the primary tasks of the social and political development, implementation of the national social and economic programmes as well as specification of clear vectors of further work.

These objects and prospects were clearly defined and justified by President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov who presented a complex programme of further activities speaking during the Elders’ Council meeting.

The main goal of changes is to transform Turkmenistan from an agrarian country into a highly industrialized state.

President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted that apartment houses with the total area of over 2.900 million square meters, 114 secondary schools, 82 kindergartens, 125 social facilities and more than 11,300 kilometers of engineering structures were put into operation within the framework of the programme.

The high level of urbanization is a symbol of an industrialized state that is characterized by wide development of communications facilities and welfare of the community. In this regard, Turkmenistan has established a good basis and the country continues steadily moving towards the goal. One of the steps along this way is another increase of salaries by 10 percent and pensions by 15 percent from January 1, 2013.

The state has continued pursuing its policy of ensuring guaranteed social protection for the local population. The solid package of social subsidies for the population includes free use of electricity, natural gas, water, table salt, as well as symbolic payment for utilities, public transport and many other benefits.

As a result of all these well thought - out measures the per capita income is steadily growing. According to experts of the World Bank, incomes of population in Turkmenistan exceed the average.

The main vector of the state industrial policy is elimination of dependence of the Turkmen economy on the fuel and raw materials resources. Significant funds to be invested into the industrial sectors, modernization and increase of the industrial infrastructure capacity will used to achieve this goal.

Thus, in 2012-2016, more than 200 billion manats of investment funds will be used in the public and private sectors of the national economy and over 450 production facilities and support systems will be built and reconstructed.

The projects on diversification of the oil and gas sector, chemical industry, the sphere of building materials production, medical and light industry are aimed at achieving the integrated development of the national economy of Turkmenistan directed.

In general, it is planned to open 200 new small, medium and large enterprises that will allow imposing cuts on imports and widening the range of exported goods.

Speaking at the Elders’ Council meeting President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov focused on the investment programmes in the transport sphere as their implementation will allow joining the regions of the country to the united economic infrastructure and will contribute to more efficient use of the transit potential of the country and integration of this industry into world economic relations.

Implementation of reforms in the system of education has created conditions for paid educational institutions. The President of Turkmenistan instructed the relevant officials to take all necessary steps to introduce paid education in the country starting from 2013-2014 academic year. But the free public educational institutions will make the basis of the educational system in Turkmenistan in the foreseeable future.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted that successful implementation of programmes for the socio-economic development and further democratization of society required reformation of the system of local authorities and improvement of work of the self-government bodies. In this regard, the Turkmen leader presented the complex of planned measures for development of administrative-territorial units of Turkmenistan to the Elders’ Council of Turkmenistan for consideration. In particular, the project envisages annexation of small villages to large settlements, construction of new urban settlements with modern apartment houses with improved conditions. The President of Turkmenistan noted that the self-government bodies in these settlements should be provided with financial means for independent management, including through establishment of large farms.

The Turkmen leader underlined the necessity of drafting a programme on developing unrewarding lands envisaging issue of preferential credits and preferential taxation for farms and other entities regardless the form of property. It was also proposed to announce a tender for the best project on efficient use of land and water resources. In this aspect, the Turkmen leader put forward an initiative to determine one etrap in each velayat for implementation of a pilot project.

Thus, the Turkmen leader’s far-sighted initiatives have launched the conceptually new projects and vectors for development of the country focused on the most advanced international experience and integration of Turkmenistan into the global market as a worthy and serious partner capable to influence on global and geopolitical processes.