Ministries and departments

07.08.2020, 13:38

The documents required for the registration of a medicine are under examination.

06.08.2020, 11:46

33 Russians were arrested in Belarus on July 29. The republic’s authorities claim that they are the fighters of the paramilitary Wagner Group.

06.08.2020, 11:33

The agency explained that new infected are mainly registered in large cities, and not in resorts.

06.08.2020, 10:41
The Embassy in Tokyo considers the statements of the Japanese side to be unacceptable.
06.08.2020, 10:34
This was reported by Secretary of State Mike Pompeo at a press briefing.
05.08.2020, 17:23

The fact that the Strasbourg Court registered a claim in connection with the crash of Boeing in Ukraine in 2014 became known on July 15, 2020.

05.08.2020, 11:40

“Since 1994, not a single significant election campaign in Belarus has passed without external interference,” Andrey Ravkov wrote on Facebook.

04.08.2020, 13:52

Wang Wenbin said that Washington “should not open Pandora’s box, otherwise they themselves will reap the bitter fruits.”

03.08.2020, 17:17

“The activities of 22 clandestine workshops… with specialized equipment, including 3D printers, were suppressed,” the agency said in a statement.

29.07.2020, 17:36

Diplomats clarified that Russia is a sovereign state, which has a right to organize parades, celebrations and other events on its territory at its own discretion.

28.07.2020, 13:15

According to Nikolay Korchunov, it is logical from a point of view of defense.

27.07.2020, 13:58

A criminal was killed during a shootout.

27.07.2020, 10:26

“The G7 and G20 are two reasonably coordinated formats. We do not need G11 or G12,” Heiko Maas said.

24.07.2020, 17:17

According to Maria Zakharova, Russia and China were the main targets.

24.07.2020, 12:10

According to Maria Zakharova, Volodymyr Zelensky frankly admitted that he does not understand what is written in the document.


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