Research and development

01.11.2021, 15:56
Oxygen supplies in hospitals are on the verge. 
01.11.2021, 14:30
A team of engineers from the Amsterdam Institute for Advanced Urban Solutions and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology created an unmanned robot boat, the Roboat, which began its movement along Amsterdam's canals on October 28.
01.11.2021, 14:27
The government of the Kaliningrad region has announced that they does not intend to extend the non-working day regime after November 7.
01.11.2021, 13:33
Peskov recalled that the country has a system of payments and support for such doctors.
01.11.2021, 11:45
Vasily Vlasov proposed to provide a 50% discount on public transport to those who were vaccinated.
29.10.2021, 15:07
According to experts, children have a much greater risk of contracting coronavirus if adult family members are not vaccinated.
29.10.2021, 09:55
It will be necessary to be vaccinated with a nasal vaccine against coronavirus no more than once every six months, Alexander Gintsburg, director of the Gamaleya National Research Center for Epidemiology and Microbiology, told.
28.10.2021, 15:45

Entrepreneur Elon Musk, who owns stakes in SpaceX and Tesla, has again criticized the proposal for a "tax on billionaires" in the United States and said that he plans to spend his money on bringing humanity to Mars.

26.10.2021, 16:00

Professor of the Department of Virology of the Faculty of Biology of Moscow State University said that it is realistic to achieve collective immunity from severe forms of the disease.

25.10.2021, 17:05
Experts from Switzerland found out that lowering the temperature reduces the development of multiple sclerosis.
25.10.2021, 13:47
Despite the decline in industrial production during the pandemic, the level of CO2 in the atmosphere continued to rise.
25.10.2021, 12:58
Coronavirus leads to vascular lesions, like any acute infectious disease, said cardiovascular surgeon, phlebologist, candidate of Medical Sciences Sergey Drobiazgo.
21.10.2021, 09:56
In Russia, isolated cases of a variety of the strain of coronavirus delta AY.4.2 were detected.
18.10.2021, 16:29

Latvia has come out on top in the world in the number of confirmed cases of COVID-19 per million inhabitants, according to a study conducted by Johns Hopkins University (USA).

15.10.2021, 11:20

The chief doctor of the hospital in Kommunarka Denis Protsenko called the situation with the coronavirus in Russia close to critical.


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